Forgiving and Forgetting
Forgiving and Forgetting As a part of the on-going #ThirdSunday series of “Finding Comfort in the Heart”, the BK Miami Meditation Center hosted a program …
Forgiving and Forgetting As a part of the on-going #ThirdSunday series of “Finding Comfort in the Heart”, the BK Miami Meditation Center hosted a program …
Sr. Manda Patel in Miami Here are some clips from the #OmShanti conversation facilitated by Sr. Manda in Miami Making life meaningful and free Getting …
El pasado 26 de Agosto Veronica estuvo con estudiantes de la Casa Dilaram compartiendo su visión del Amor de Dios. Fue una convivencia hermosa que …
Brahma Kumaris nos hizo una amable doble invitación para el viernes 23 de enero: 1- Al desayuno una reunión con comunicadores sobre el Tema “ …
The Power of a Positive Communication with Veronica McHugh in Lisboa Portugal BK Veronica McHugh from bklisboa on Vimeo.
Sister Veronica talks in Dallas about Relationships.